Constipation and Hemorrhoids Are Close Relatives

Improper bowel movements is because of constipation, which causes to hemorrhoids. keep intestinal movement smooth by taking proper food.
Hemorrhoidal constipation is a condition that involves difficulty in having a bowel movement or involves having stools (solid waste material from the body) that are dry and hard in deep intestinal region.
Complications of chronic constipation may include hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and damage to the muscles and supportive tissues of the anus and perineum present in colon. The most common cause of constipation is a diet lacking fluid and fiber, in combination with poor bowel habits, such as routinely delaying defecation.
During digestion, waste is pushed through your intestines by muscle contractions and during that, most of water and salt is absorbed back. If your water intake is inadequate, water absorbed by digestion will stiffen your stool causing intestinal slowdown. During this time, the fecal mass becomes drier and harder, resulting in constipation. To prevent hemorrhoids, avoid constipation, excessive straining at bowel movements, and prolonged sitting on the toilet. Usually, hemorrhoids can be treated with conservative, non-surgical therapy. Complications of chronic constipation may include hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and damage to the muscles and supportive tissues of the anus and perineum present in colon. The most common cause of constipation is a diet lacking fluid and fiber, in combination with poor bowel habits, such as routinely delaying defecation.
During digestion, waste is pushed through your intestines by muscle contractions and during that, most of water and salt is absorbed back. If your water intake is inadequate, water absorbed by digestion will stiffen your stool causing intestinal slowdown. During this time, the fecal mass becomes drier and harder, resulting in constipation. Check the below link to read more
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