Hemorrhoids and Pregnant Women

Babies do not actually suffer from hemorrhoids, but do their bit to cause them! Pregnant women often get the condition, as a result of the strain of carrying the baby and also from the strain of giving birth. This susceptibility to baby hemorrhoids is caused by the uterus directly sitting on top of the blood vessels which should drain the hemorrhoid veins. In addition, the pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes the walls of the veins. All this makes the veins in this part of the body to swell. This situation is worsened further by long periods of standing or sitting.
When it comes to giving birth, the pressure on the abdomen, just as occurs in a bowel movement, can inflate these veins. These postpartum hemorrhoids, as they are known, are hard to avoid. After all, giving birth does involve a certain amount of pushing! If you are unfortunate enough to get baby hemorrhoids along with baby, there are things you can do to help reduce any pain and discomfort. The first 24 hours after delivery could be used to apply ice packs. After this, you could try warm sitz baths, dabbing with sterile cotton balls dosed in Witch Hazel or using ointments containing hydrocortisone. If you can avoid being constipated, this will help. In any event, the baby hemorrhoids should go away as your body regains its strength after the strain of childbirth.
A recommended remedy for pregnant women is to lie down on your left side, every four to six hours, for approximately 20 minutes. This routine lowers the pressure on the main vein, which drains the lower portion of the body.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

Home Cure for Hemorrhoids

If you are in need of a home cure for hemorrhoids you are not alone. Thousands of people suffer from this problem, but do not want to go to the doctor for one reason or the next. If this sounds like you, the best thing to do is look into finding a home cure for hemorrhoids. The good thing about this is that over the years many people have come up with some home cures that work. Even though not every remedy will work for you, chances are that you may be able to find one that suits your needs.
Applying vitamin E directly to the hemorrhoids is a home remedy that people have been using for years. The way that you can do this is pretty easy. All you need to do is get a vitamin E capsule that is filled with liquid and break it in half. From there you can apply the liquid directly to the area. This will help your hemorrhoids heal quicker.
Another home cure for hemorrhoids that is easy to follow has to do with your diet. If you can keep your stool as soft as possible the chances of your hemorrhoids flaring up will decrease. To do this you should add fiber to your diet, or try to take supplements for this.
If you do not want to see a doctor about your hemorrhoids check out some home cures. This will allow you to get treatment for your problem without having to ever leave the comfort of your own home.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about home cure for hemorrhoids.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

Signs and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids often sneak up on their victims unannounced with very little in the way of warning. Because hemorrhoid tissue already exists in the anal canal, inflammation is all it takes for the lumps to enlarge and, if further irritated, to bleed. Hemorrhoids may or may not cause pain, depending entirely upon where they appear and whether they occur under skin with nerves that sense pain or only pressure.
Hemorrhoids inside the anal canal usually do not hurt, but those just outside generally do. Bleeding may occur when a bowel movement passes through the anal canal and ruptures the hemorrhoid in the process. This means bleeding and, possibly, pain. Some hemorrhoids protrude from the anus even if they are inside the anal canal. Most can be pushed back in with a finger, but they will most likely reappear with the next bowel movement.
There are four different ‘grades’ of hemorrhoids as classified by doctors. Each has its own symptoms and characteristics. They are as follows:
* First Degree Hemorrhoids – Bleeding hemorrhoids.* Second Degree Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids that may or may not bleed and protrude from the anal canal but draw back in of their own accord.* Third Degree Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids that protrude from the anal canal but must be pushed in manually.* Fourth Degree Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids that protrude from the anal canal, do not retract of their own accord, and cannot be pushed in manually.
These may contain blood clots or pull lining of the rectum through the anus.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about how to deal with hemroid symptoms.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

Constipation and Hemorrhoids Are Close Relatives

Improper bowel movements is because of constipation, which causes to hemorrhoids. keep intestinal movement smooth by taking proper food.
Hemorrhoidal constipation is a condition that involves difficulty in having a bowel movement or involves having stools (solid waste material from the body) that are dry and hard in deep intestinal region.
Complications of chronic constipation may include hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and damage to the muscles and supportive tissues of the anus and perineum present in colon. The most common cause of constipation is a diet lacking fluid and fiber, in combination with poor bowel habits, such as routinely delaying defecation.
During digestion, waste is pushed through your intestines by muscle contractions and during that, most of water and salt is absorbed back. If your water intake is inadequate, water absorbed by digestion will stiffen your stool causing intestinal slowdown. During this time, the fecal mass becomes drier and harder, resulting in constipation. To prevent hemorrhoids, avoid constipation, excessive straining at bowel movements, and prolonged sitting on the toilet. Usually, hemorrhoids can be treated with conservative, non-surgical therapy. Complications of chronic constipation may include hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and damage to the muscles and supportive tissues of the anus and perineum present in colon. The most common cause of constipation is a diet lacking fluid and fiber, in combination with poor bowel habits, such as routinely delaying defecation.
During digestion, waste is pushed through your intestines by muscle contractions and during that, most of water and salt is absorbed back. If your water intake is inadequate, water absorbed by digestion will stiffen your stool causing intestinal slowdown. During this time, the fecal mass becomes drier and harder, resulting in constipation. Check the below link to read more
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anoop_Kumar

Painful Hemorrhoids and Home Remedies

Soothing painful hemorrhoids can be as simple as good hygiene, a few home remedies, and some herbal healing. If these don't work for you or symptoms persist, check with a doctor and request a prescription or try one of the many over the counter medications available to ease your symptoms caused by hemorrhoids.
Good hygiene means more than just a daily shower when you have hemorrhoids, especially if the hemorrhoids have ruptured. Every time you wipe after using the bathroom, be gently. Try moist wipes instead of dry tissue and if dry tissue is the only option, use plain white, unscented toilet paper, soft but with minimal lint. Medicated moist wipes are available in most drug stores. In the shower, avoid scented soaps and perfumed scrubs or products.
There are too many home remedies to ease the symptoms of painful hemorrhoids to name here but a few that you may consider include the following:
* Apply vitamin E oil topically to the anal area or cutting off the end of a vitamin E capsule, and squeezing the oil inside into the anus also brings a great deal of pain relief. * Aloe vera gel applied to the anal area also soothes the pain and witch hazel applied with a cotton ball a few times a day can do the same while also keeping the area clean. * Homemade enemas and peeled garlic clove or small pieces of potato suppositories also help ease inflammation.
Changing your diet in order to ease constipation will also help keep from making the pain of hemorrhoids worse every time you have a bowel movement. Drink prune juice and eat fiber-filled foods like apples, whole grains, broccoli, and more. All of these in combination or even just one will help ease the pain of hemorrhoids.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about hemorrhoid remedies.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

Home Cure for Hemorrhoids

When hemorrhoids strike, the first inclination could be to run to the drug store and purchase all the over the counter treatments available. A more intense reaction could be to call the doctor. However, there are a variety of home cures for hemorrhoids that are quite effective and, often times, more so than their over the counter or prescription counterparts.
One of the simplest is a sitz bath. It's not necessary to fill the whole tub and go through the ritual of bathing. Purchase a small plastic tub from the drug store that fits on your toilet. Fill it with warm water, lower your pants, and sit for as long as you like as many times a day as you can. This is very soothing for the pain and itching associated with hemorrhoids and also serves to keep the area clean, which reduces inflammation.
Homemade poultices with herbs like elderberry or mullein or ice packs – even a bag of frozen peas – help to reduce swelling and inflammation. Alternating between poultices, ice packs, and sitz baths is a good strategy if you have the time.
Applying witch hazel, an astringent, with a sterile cotton ball or pad to the anal area is another home cure for hemorrhoids. In the same way, aloe very – especially the pulpy variety – and applications of yarrow tea, also applied with a sterile cotton ball or pad, help to ease symptoms of hemorrhoids.
No matter what you choose as your home cure for hemorrhoids, keeping the area clean and using unscented, plain white toilet paper is top priority. Be gentle with yourself and you will keep the inflammation of your hemorrhoids to a minimum.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about hemorrhoid home cure.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

How to Prevent or Relieve the Misery of Hemorrhoid Pain

Did you know that there is a similarity between varicose veins and hemorrhoids? That's because instead of protruding veins on legs, hemorrhoids are swollen veins of the rectum. This is a miserable condition, but it is surprisingly common.
Why do a lot of people suffer from hemorrhoids? Here are some factors that activate the development of hemorrhoids -- frequent constipation or diarrhea, lifting extremely heavy weights, prolonged sitting, childbirth, and persistent bouts of violent coughing.
Finding blood on toilet paper after a bowel movement is a symptom of hemorrhoids. Itching or soreness around the rectum area are two more symptoms.
Hemorrhoids come in two forms -- external ones and internal ones. Internal hemorrhoids usually don't bother people very much, but external hemorrhoids are a different story! They can be extremely painful and they can burn and itch too.
You should want to protect yourself from developing hemorrhoids. And if you already suffer from them, you'll want to relieve their misery as soon as possible.
Drinking a lot of water will help you to avoid constipation, which will also help you to avoid resulting hemorrhoids. Be sure to eat enough fiber in your meals to keep yourself regular. You don't want your hemorrhoids to get worse, so don't let yourself become constipated. Drinking plenty of water and eating enough fiber will help prevent constipation.
Don't spend a lot of time on the toilet because that strains the area that can develop hemorrhoids. So don't read while you're sitting on the toilet and don't have a book of puzzles nearby either.
Make sure you get plenty of exercise. If you sit a lot, get up periodically and walk around a bit to avoid sitting for long stretches at a time.
There are simple things that you can do at home to help yourself if you suffer from hemorrhoids. For example, you can sit in a shallow tub of warm water to help relieve the area. You can also apply ice packs to your hemorrhoids. The pain and swelling will be eased by the cold. Consider using a cream that has witch hazel in it to help relieve the inflammation brought on by hemorrhoids.
There are medications you can buy over the counter to treat your hemorrhoids. However, they may or may not work effectively. These medications are not a long-term solution for hemorrhoid sufferers.
If your hemorrhoids are a serious condition in your case, you might want to consider surgery depending on what your doctor recommends. But that is a last resort measure.
Local anesthetics are available to ease your discomfort. Some products can shrink the inflammation around your blood vessels and bring you much needed relief. And there are protective products to ease the suffering of this sensitive area.
There are quite a few other products out there as well that this article doesn't mention. So you have a number of choices for hemorrhoid relief.
If your hemorrhoids bother you, be sure to check with your doctor to find the treatment that will work most effectively in your case.
Need relief from painful hemorrhoids or want to avoid having them in the first place? Read tips to find relief from the misery of hemorrhoids. Patricia Wagner writes about a variety of health and wellness issues to help you be healthier.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patricia_Wagner

Learn What Causes Hemorrhoids and What You Can Do To Avoid Them

Hemorrhoids are actually a very common occurrence that affects over half of the population over the age of 50 in North America. Anybody can develop hemorrhoids but there are certain conditions that can cause a person to develop this embarrassing and sometimes dangerous problem. The purpose of this article is to educate you on certain behavioral traits that can cause hemorrhoids and some ideas on how you can avoid developing this problem.
The causes of hemorrhoids are not entirely known and the chance of getting this affliction can not be completely eliminated but there are specific things that can increase person's chances of developing this often misunderstood condition. Hemorrhoids develop because of excessive pressure in the veins of the rectum and anus and conditions such as the straining caused by constipation can create the pressure needed to create hemorrhoids. Other conditions such as extreme diarrhea, pregnancy, liver disease and even the act of weight lifting can also increase the pressure that can cause hemorrhoids. People that do a lot of standing or sitting or spend too much time on the toilet can be at a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids as well as those who are obese or have a family history of this condition. With so many people getting hemorrhoids, what can you do to avoid this condition?
There is really no guarantee that you or anybody else won't develop hemorrhoids. The statistics say that once you reach the age of 50, you will have a 50% chance of developing this problem but there are certain lifestyle patterns that you can develop to decrease the likelihood of getting hemorrhoids. With the thought in mind that hemorrhoids can develop and worsen through excessive pressure and strain, it would seem that diet can play an important role in decreasing your chances of developing this condition.
If you want to eliminate the strain in your bowel movements, it is important to keep your stool soft. Diets that are rich in fruits and vegetables and high in fiber content will help you to keep a soft stool as well as drinking plenty of liquids. A good amount of exercise helps and maintaining a high fiber diet can be so important in keeping a soft stool that you may wish to consider fiber supplements as well.
It will also benefit you to avoid situations such as excessive sitting, standing, or spending excessive time on the toilet. If you need to have a bowel movement then it is important that you take care of this right away and don't wait. Waiting can cause your stool to become harder and dryer which can in turn create more strain and more pressure for you rectal veins when you finally do go.
Hemorrhoids are unfortunately a common condition and you may still develop them even if you do take action to minimize the possibility but it is my sincere hope that this article has taught you enough about hemorrhoids that you can dramatically decrease the odds of getting this embarrassing and often painful problem.
To learn more about the causes of hemorrhoids and how to cut your risk of developing them, please visit my site at Hemorrhoid-Relief-Reviews.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Henry_Hammond

Easing the Discomfort of Hemorrhoids

The discomfort caused by hemorrhoids can range from a slight annoyance to indescribable irritation. Easing the discomfort of hemorrhoids can either happen after the hemorrhoids appear or can be a preventative measure to ensure they stay away. Hemorrhoids are common with age or as a side effect of pregnancy, so nobody is really safe from getting them. For someone suffering with hemorrhoids, easing the discomfort is the main thing on their mind.
Hemorrhoids are located in or around the anus and rectum. They are swollen blood vessels. Hemorrhoids can be irritated a number of ways. Sometimes they are present but do not bother the person. Once they come under strain, which causes them to stretch and “grow”, hemorrhoids can hurt or itch. There are some medical ways to ease discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. There are also other non-medical ways to ease hemorrhoid irritation.
Hemorrhoids are usually not threatening to health, but a doctor should be consulted if a person suspects they have them. Symptoms can include blood, pain, itching and burning. Most treatments will involve treating the symptoms. For itching and burning there are topical creams available at the pharmacy that sooth these symptoms. A person may also soak in a warm bath. Ice packs applied to the area can reduce swelling. Hemorrhoids are irritated by straining when taking a bowel movement so a stool softener may be recommended to avoid straining. The biggest issue with hemorrhoid irritation is to keep the area clean. Baby wipes or over the counter hemorrhoid wipes can aid in this. In most cases hemorrhoids will disappear on their own, but in sever cases surgery may be recommended.
Easing the discomfort of hemorrhoids is important to sufferers. By treating the symptoms a person can ease the irritation. Hemorrhoids are usually an annoyance more than a health threat, but people should see their doctor to ensure there are no underlying medical conditions to be concerned about. A doctor may also be able to recommend other treatment options.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about how to ease the discomfort of hemorrhoids.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

How Do You Get Hemorrhoids?

A lot of people don’t even know they have hemorrhoids. The rectum is not an area you can readily see. Some times you don’t know you have hemorrhoids until you see blood in the toilet water after a bowel movement, when you start to have pain or discomfort in the rectum, or when you feel extra tissue around the rectum.
So how do you develop hemorrhoids? For sure, constipation is not the only way you can get hemorrhoids. Here are some additional ways:
* Alcoholism or drinking to many alcoholic drinks
* Being pregnant and not eating enough fiber
* Doing daily heavy lifting and holding your breath while you do it
* Eating excessive processed foods, which are low in fiber and move slowly through your colon.
* General body weakness, which will affect the colon function
* Having a predisposition to constipation or inheriting a weakness in the colon and rectum area * Holding fecal matter too long in the rectum causing pressure to buildup in the rectum veins - postponing a bowel movement
* Having a weak liver, which reduces the amount of bile released into the intestines. Bile helps to active peristaltic action.
* Having inflammation in the rectum that causes you to have constipation
* Irregular eating patterns
* Lack of protein leading to weak tissues and slow healing of wounds
* Not eating foods that keeps you constipation free such as fiber, vegetables, essential fatty acids, protein, water.
* Not getting the right vitamins and minerals in your food.
* Being overweight
* Poor muscle tone in the anal area from lack of exercise
* Pressure on rectum veins from cysts or tumor in the colon
* Sitting in a chair at home, at work, in a car, or in a truck for long periods
* Using laxatives to the point where your colon no longer works properly and you end up with constipation
As you can see there are many reasons that you can develop hemorrhoids. And most of them relate to the function of your colon. If you want hemorrhoid relief look at the list and see which condition or situation relates to you and try to make changes in these conditions. In addition to changes add new foods that will help your colon to work better.
Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called “natural-remedies-thatwork.com” and he has written an ebook called “How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies.” You can get more information on this ebook and more hemorrhoid remedies at this site. http://www.hemorrhoid-remedies.for--you.info
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rudy_Silva

Hemorrhoids Laser Treatment

When hemorrhoids get so bad that they are a serious problem, intensely painful or just won't go away, it is sometimes necessary to take treatment to the next level. After home remedies and herbs comes over the counter treatments, but when over the counter treatments are not enough, then laser treatment may be the answer.
Laser treatment has been shown to be very effective in getting rid of hemorrhoids. Incredibly accurate, lasers are used to actually vaporize and remove troublesome hemorrhoids. The laser acts as a cauterizing agent during the removal process, which means little or no bleeding during the surgery or after. Though discomfort is likely after any surgical procedure, discomfort after a laser treatment is minimal in comparison to other surgical hemorrhoid removal procedures. It is rare that laser treatments require a hospital stay and the discomfort at home is far and away better to deal with than the pain of hemorrhoids.
Whether or not a patient's hemorrhoids need laser treatment is a matter for the doctor to decide. Some of the factors that medical personnel will take into consideration include:
* Placement of hemorrhoids
* The symptoms caused by the hemorrhoids
* The length of time hemorrhoids have been present
Of course, it is recommended that all other avenues of treatment be exhausted before taking on laser treatment. Simple home remedies or herbs may be all you need to get rid of your hemorrhoids, saving a great deal of time and money in the process.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about hemorrhoid laser treatment.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

Herbs For Hemorrhoids

Many people prefer to treat the distressing condition of hemorrhoids with natural remedies. Firstly, the condition must be properly diagnosed by a doctor, and if natural remedies fail then the appropriate medication must be obtained. A lot of sufferers find that herbs for hemorrhoids are the answer.
Several different applications of herbs for hemorrhoids have grown up over the years. Witch Hazel is one such popular choice, even suggested by some medical professionals. Barbers are familiar with its properties, as they use it on cuts, making the blood vessels contract. Applying Witch Hazel with a cotton ball is recommended for external hemorrhoids, especially where bleeding occurs. Anything cold, even plain old water can help to relive the pain of hemorrhoids, so you'll feel the benefits of putting a Witch Hazel bottle in an ice bucket. Soak a sterile cotton ball with the Witch Hazel and gently dab against the hemorrhoids until the coldness wears off. Keep repeating the process.
Another product in the herbs for hemorrhoids range contains Japanese Pagoda Tree extract. This is said to attack the actual causes of the hemorrhoids and to permanently stop itching, burning and pain. It's also claimed that it will strengthen the veins and help the vascular circulation, thus preventing hemorrhoids in the future. Other herbs for hemorrhoids include Horse Chestnut, Butcher's Broom, and Bayberry. A strong, warm tea containing Yarrow can be applied, again with a cotton ball. Aloe Vera is recommended for both burning and pain. Other herbs for hemorrhoids can be taken, either in the form of tea or in capsules.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about herbs for hemorrhoid treatment.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

Hemorrhoids Laser Treatment

Sufferers from hemorrhoids may be able to treat their condition successfully with the use of natural remedies or medication, but sometimes a surgical procedure is recommended. Lasers are the up to the minute, state of the art gizmos used in modern operating theatres these days, and hemorrhoids laser treatment is just one of the benefits.
The advantage of using a laser beam with hemorrhoids laser treatment, in the hands of an accomplished surgeon, is its absolute precision. The hemorrhoid is, in a sense, vaporized. The beam used is small and a quick healing process usually follows. For those people really suffering, or those who get regular attacks, hemorrhoids laser treatment can be the answer. It is a fast way of dealing with the problem, is non-intrusive and doesn't require any medication. The laser works by sealing off the small blood vessels and nerves, with its invisible light. Because the nerve endings are closed, this means that patients have little discomfort after the procedure. The other advantage of this hemorrhoids laser treatment is that the blood vessels being sealed, means that the surgeon can operate in a safe environment without the presence of blood.
In a recent study on hemorrhoids laser treatment, the statistics on 750 patients were analyzed, and it was found there was a 98% success rate. The patients were asked on their feelings about the surgery and 99% reported they were satisfied. These figures would suggest that hemorrhoids laser treatment has an assured future and could bring great joy to a lot of long suffering people.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of hemorrhoiddomain.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about hemorrhoids laser treatment.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanette_Pollock

Pain in the Butt. How to Deal with Hemorrhoids?

This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens.
Hemorrhoids occur practically in everyone. Though hemorrhoids cause problems in 1 out of 25 people. Mostly those are people between 45 and 65 years of age.
You find a blood on toilet tissue. Bright red blood. Ok, now what? You do not know why you bleed. It could be rectal cancer by the way. It could be hemorrhoids.
So? What are the hemorrhoids?
They look like cushions. They contain blood vessels, some muscle and elastic fibers. People often call them piles.
Not everything over there is a hemorrhoid. There could be other problems. Fissure, abscess, fistula, pruritus (itching), condylomata (sort of hanging skin caused by viral infection), viral and bacterial skin infections can happen in that, so sensitive area.
It is worth to talk to your doctor.
How would a scenario of hemorrhoids look?
A 46-year-old female presents with complaints on rectal discomfort, occasional bright red blood on toilet tissue and prolapsing tissue in of anal area. This is probably internal hemorrhoid.
Another scenario brings a patient who complains on severe rectal pain and prolapsed tissue. The severe pain happens in external hemorrhoids. The pain follows thrombosis (thrombosis is the blood clot in your blood vessels).
There are four degrees of internal hemorrhoids.
It may be interesting for you to know because first, second and sometime third degree can be treated by banding only. Fourth degree and sometime third degree requires surgery.
Do not forget non-hemorrhoid causes of symptoms. To check with your doctor is worthwhile because there could be other problems, including cancer or anal fissure. (By the way for anal fissure medical treatment alone may heal it in 90% of cases).
How are hemorrhoids treated?
Well first you need to understand how do hemorrhoids happen. Several reasons lead to hemorrhoids:
Constipation and extra strainingChronic Diarrhea and loose stoolsLong sitting or standing Weight liftingObesityPregnancy and childbirthInherited tendency to hemorrhoids.
So, avoid all this and you are free.
Obviously this list of reasons is too wide.
The list of measures is wide too.
Increase the fiber in your diet.
Eat more cereals, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc
Psyllium and methylcellulose are supplemental types of fiber.
Exercise, avoid long standing or sitting, don't strain, keep the anal area clean.
Increase liquids in your diet.
Use stool softeners, stool-bulking agents (not a tasty ones, but what can you do).
Treat diarrhea with anti-motility drugs and fiber.
Not every of these methods are proved scientifically. Nonetheless they are included in the standard recommendations for hemorrhoids treatment.
To treat itching or discomfort you may use suppositories, ointments, creams, and gels. You may find that all in your local pharmacy.
These products contain protectant and anesthetics (pain relievers). Local anesthetics numb the area and decrease burning and itching.
Remember that local anesthetics may cause allergy.
Analgesics (menthol, camphor) relieve pain and itching as well
Vasoconstrictors reduce swelling in the perianal area. Though they may have side effects. Better discuss with your doctor.
Protectants (kaolin, cocoa butter, lanolin, mineral oil, starch, zinc oxide or calamine, glycerin, etc) create a physical barrier to prevent contact of stool and the skin. This reduces irritation, itching, and burning.
Similarly, some agents - astringents - dry the skin. That helps to relieve burning, itching, and pain as well.
To kill or at least suppress bacteria and other organisms use antiseptics. Boric acid, phenol, resorcinol and many others can be used. Again better to discuss with your doctor or at least pharmacist. Many of these drugs are sold over-the-counter.
Corticosteroids. Corticosteroids decrease inflammation and relieve itching, but may cause skin damage. They should be used for few days only.
Sitz bath may also help in relieving the symptoms.
When those methods fail your doctor may perform one of the following:
Sclerotherapy (causes scarring of the hemorrhoid).
Rubber band ligation. The rubber band cut off blood supply and hemorrhoid heals with scarring.
Side effects of any of the treatment may be infection of fat and other tissues surrounding the anal canal, especially if patient has diabetes cancer, AIDS.
Another option - electrotherapy and infrared photocoagulation. Works the same way, cause scarring of the tissue. Cryotherapy uses cold to cause inflammation and scarring. Practically the same, though more time consuming.
Let say your medical treatment fails. What do you do then? Well, you go to surgeon and treat it surgically.
Operations are done in less than 10% of patients. Though it depends.
Surgical procedures include Dilation. It is when surgeon stretches your anal sphincter.
Ligation. Often a Doppler probe helps to measures blood flow and finds the individual artery.
The doctor ties off the artery.
Sphincterotomy. It is when sphincter is partially cut. Whole idea is to reduce the pressure.
Hemorrhoidectomy. Hemorrhoidectomy makes sense for patients with third- or fourth-degree hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids are cut out.
Stapled hemorrhoidectomy. Stapler cuts off the ring of expanded hemorrhoidal tissue.
There are different considerations why to do this and not that type of treatment. And vice versa.
There are complications (pain, difficulty urinating, bleeding several days after surgery, scarring, infection, stool incontinence). Complications happen relatively rare, but they are still there. Better talk to you surgeon.
I hope you be OK.
You were not alone.
It looks like Napoleon Bonaparte, Carter, Hemingway, Tennyson, Lewis Carroll also were suffering from hemorrhoids.
Aleksandr Kavokin, MD1994 Russia,PhD1997 Russia - Immunology and Allergy, postdoc at Cancer Center at Med U of South Carolina, postdoc at Yale - Cardiology, Molecular Medicine. http://www.geocities.com/hemorrhoids_disease/ http://www.kavokin.com http://www.kavokin.uni.cc http://www.geocities.com/aging_rejuvenation/ http://www.geocities.com/appendicitis_disease/ http://www.geocities.com/melanoma_disease/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Al_K

Natural Hemorrhoids Relief - What are Your Best Options?

Hemorrhoids, just the name makes a person cringe. If you have ever suffered from the burning, itching and the discomfort that a hemorrhoid can cause they consider yourself blessed. The simple fact is that no matter how unpleasant it is to talk about hemorrhoids they are a fact of life and sooner or later almost everyone will have to fact this rather delicate problem. It's true that nobody wants to talk about them but let me say that when anyone gets them all they want to do is get rid of them. Here are some tips and natural hemorrhoids relief ideas for you to keep in mind as you are going through your troubles down under.
The worse case scenario that goes along with your hemorrhoids is that they will have to be removed surgically. This is done by freezing the hemorrhoid which will then subsequently fall off. (They then may or may not return) But the easiest method of treating hemorrhoids is to prevent them from happening in the first place. There are many things that could cause them to happen such as sitting too long, standing too long or straining on the toilet.
Of course this doesn't do much to help those of us who are suffering with them now, but if you take care of yourself and use a natural treatment for hemorrhoid relief it may just buy you enough time to see them go away naturally and then any future outbreaks will be less of a pain in the… well, you know.
Natural non-surgical approach to hemorrhoids treatment.
2 Free Bottles at http://hemmorhoids.feelbettersoon.info/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Shank

When Are Hemorrhoids Serious Enough To See a Doctor

Hemorrhoids are a very common condition and most people who suffer from them never need to do anything beyond home remedies or over the counter medications. If left untreated however, hemorrhoids may sometimes develop into a serious and dangerous condition that requires seeing a doctor and may need surgery for treatment. There are two types of hemorrhoids that a person can develop and there is the potential for each type to develop into a serious problem and if surgery does become necessary, there are several methods available. This article will discuss the symptoms that can result when your hemorrhoids have developed to a more advanced stage and when it is time to see a doctor.
The first type of hemorrhoid I'm going to talk about is the external hemorrhoid which is where the veins of the rectum outside the anus become inflamed. This type of hemorrhoid can normally be located by looking for a lump around the anus and can cause pain, burning, itching, and bleeding. While this style of hemorrhoid is by far the most painful, and while it is usually not dangerous, it can develop into a serious condition knows as thrombosis. This is where the inflamed vein will clot and once this happens the pressure in the clot will continue to grow until many people will find the pain unbearable. If this happens it will become necessary to visit your doctor or ER room and have the blood clot cut away to relieve the pressure. While extremely painful, it is not the most dangerous thing that can happen.
The second type of hemorrhoid that you can develop is an internal hemorrhoid and this condition is where the internal veins inside the anus become inflamed. There is normally no pain associated with this type of hemorrhoid and the only symptom that a person will normally experience is bleeding during a bowel movement. A change in diet or lifestyle to reduce straining can usually cure this type of hemorrhoid but it does have a dangerous aspect. The internal hemorrhoid can become what is knows as prolapsed where the inflamed vein extends outside of the anus and this is where you will experience pain. Normally this vein can be gently pushed back up inside the anus but there is the possibility that it will become further swollen and become entrapped. This is where the danger comes in because once the vein is entrapped, the blood supply may get cut off and the vein will die, often becoming infected. Once infection sets in, it is possible that it will spread through out the body and cause the person to become dangerously ill. If you suspect this has happened you should see a doctor right away.
While the normal bleeding associated with hemorrhoids is not usually a cause for concern, it can be a problem with people who are anemic or those taking blood thinners for any reason. Also, excessive bleeding, especially outside of bowel movements can indeed be a cause for concern. While it is true that hemorrhoids can cause bleeding, there are also other medical conditions such as colorectal or anal cancer that can cause bleeding. Any amount of excessive bleeding should be checked out by a doctor right away even if you know you have hemorrhoids and suspect that it is the cause of the bleeding.
Because hemorrhoids are so common many people believe that they need to just live with the pain and discomfort that can result. But the truth of the matter is that when left untreated, hemorrhoids can sometimes become a serious and dangerous affliction. If you experience any of the above advanced symptoms, please see your doctor as soon as possible.
For more information about the symptoms and dangers of hemorrhoids visit Hemorrhoid-Relief-Reviews.com today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Henry_Hammond

Herbal Cures For Hemorrhoids - Do They Really Work

Many hemorrhoid sufferers are looking for something that not only treats the symptoms but will also cure their hemorrhoid condition. There are numerous over the counter creams and suppositories available that claim to treat symptoms and heal the damage and while some of these products have a well proven reputation, the effectiveness of others has is not so well proven and some scientific research shows that some may actually do more harm then good. Another option for treating and healing hemorrhoids may be different types of natural herbal remedies. This article will discuss some of the herbs available and what each claims to do.
The first class of herbal extracts for using in the treatment of hemorrhoids would be the ones that work to sooth the pain and these are also the most commonly used. The most popular herb for hemorrhoid pain treatment is Witch Hazel and you will find this herb on the list of ingredients in virtually all over the counter hemorrhoid creams products on the market. In its astringent form, it is often used to treat sores, bruises and swelling. A sitz bath with Witch Hazel and Calendula can be used for hemorrhoid treatment or you can also use Yarrow, Sage, Bayberry, Oak Bark, and Yellowroot. These combinations of herbs have shown some evidence of being effective as they work to tighten the damaged tissue, stop the bleeding, and begin the healing process.
There are also classes of herbs that can be used to make teas or used externally in a sitz bath and some can actually be taken either way. Because the herbs listed below are not as commonly used for hemorrhoids as the ones above and also because they are often associated with use for other conditions, I do not advocate using any of them without further research. Teas used to treat hemorrhoids can contain herbs such as Lady's Mantle, Sheperd's Purse, Raspberry Leaves, Figwort, Collinsonia, Stone root, Rich weed, and Horse Chestnut. Herbs such as White Pond Lilly and Horse Chestnut can be used either internally as a tea or externally in a sitz bath. There are also many Chinese herbs that it is said can be used to treat hemorrhoids such as Chi Hu, Dang shen, Huang Qi, and Xuan shen.
As is the case of most herbal remedies for differing conditions, there is not always valid scientific proof of the effectiveness or safety of each individual herb but many people swear on the results of such herbs. As it is beyond the scope of this article to examine each herb in detail, it is suggested that further research be done before deciding to use any of the herbs mentioned. While herbs are natural substances that occur in nature, this does not necessarily guarantee safeness and just like minerals and vitamins, toxic affects can occur if a large enough dose is consumed. Because of these facts I must stress once again that further research should be done before taking any of the less well known herbs mentioned in this article. You should instead use this article as a guideline for what is available and once you find something interesting, visit your local nature store for more information.
For more information on hemorrhoid symptoms and possible treatments you can visit Hemorrhoid-Relief-Reviews.com today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Henry_Hammond

Hemorrhoids Diagnosis - Internal and External Hemorrhoids

When the veins around the lower rectum and the anus become swollen the condition is referred to as hemorrhoids. But hemorrhoids can be further classified into internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. According to estimates, as many as 10 million people in the US alone suffer from internal and external hemorrhoids and this is a huge figure, making it a cause for serious concern. In fact, both internal and external hemorrhoids are among the most common ailments to affect humans today. Particularly the seniors.
When the veins inside the anus and the rectum become swollen the condition is referred to as internal hemorrhoids. Because of the fact they lie within, internal hemorrhoids are much more difficult to detect because they cannot be felt or seen from the surface. Adding to this problem is the fact that internal hemorrhoids almost always do not cause any pain. And even in cases where some pain is present, it is so negligible that the pain could easily be passed on as something else. And that is why most people when they have internal hemorrhoids, they do not even know about its presence. Possibly the only way to detect the problem is through the bleeding that these hemorrhoids induce.
Why do internal hemorrhoids occur? While there is no consensus on this, but it is generally believed that someone having constipation for a few years is more prone to getting internal hemorrhoids than others. Ladies who are expecting are also likely to develop internal hemorrhoids, but this is a common condition that will go away after childbirth and no medication might be needed to solve the issue.
As opposed to the internal type, external hemorrhoids are very much visible and that is because they are located near the anus area. The most common way to diagnose external hemorrhoids is by noticing the lumps that develop when someone is affected. But be careful because these lumps bleed when they are picked. Since they are visible to the naked eye, external hemorrhoids are much more easily detected and in most cases, the treatment starts earlier as well.
External hemorrhoids come with itching, bleeding and severe pain. The bleeding normally happens just after the stool is passed – a good way to detect external hemorrhoids is by finding out whether there is blood in the toilet paper or the toilet seat.
The common causes of external hemorrhoids are constipation, sitting at one position for long hours (which many of us do now in front of the computer), diarrhea and pregnancy. In short, when the pressure on the rectum area is intensified the body can get back in the form of external hemorrhoids. Because of the increased pressure, the blood hits the vein walls and sometimes they get ripped apart as well.
Using natural and herbal products is a good advice to treat both internal as well as external hemorrhoids. Eating the right kind of food that reduces pressure can also reduce the problem.
Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other common conditions for Amoils.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jen_Carter

Help For Hemorrhoids

When it comes to hemorrhoids there are several things you can do both at home, but also there are several surgical options that you can use to cure your hemorrhoids. There are also a number of foods that can help you to relieve and prevent the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids. Depending on what works best for you, you should use some of the following tips to help your hemorrhoids. The three ways you can help relieve the pain of hemorrhoids. The first way is to sit and soak the affected area with either a warm bath or towel at least three to four times a day. After each bowel movement it is a good idea to clean the anus with a moist toilet paper or baby wipe. To relieve the swelling you should use ice packs.
The very fortunate individuals will have their hemorrhoids disappear without requiring any further treatment. Often times just one of the top three solutions will allow these types of individuals to lead a comfortable life with their hemorrhoids. Although there are some who still have trouble with their hemorrhoids and may require surgical treatment by medical professionals in order to treat their hemorrhoids. There are several forms of surgical treatment that are available for hemorrhoids and your doctor will be able to help you find the right method for you.
The first option is rubber band ligation. With this procedure the doctor will place a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. When the flow of blood is restricted to the area around the hemorrhoid it will gradually shrink away. The second option is a hemorrhoidectomy which is a surgical removal of the hemorrhoid. Doctors typically only choose this option when the hemorrhoids are internal and either very large or prolapsed. The third option is laser coagulation which uses electric current to treat the hemorrhoid. Blood flow to the hemorrhoid is prevented from a chemical reaction caused by this current which causes the hemorrhoid to shrink. The fourth option is similar and is called infrared photocoagulation which uses infrared light to coagulate the vein and prevents blood from reaching the hemorrhoid.
The fifth option is injection sclerotherapy. This is when the doctor injects chemicals into the mucous membrane that surrounds the hemorrhoid. The vein will close as a result and the hemorrhoid will shrink. The sixth and final option is laser treatment. This process works well for all types of hemorrhoids since a small laser beam is used to vaporize the hemorrhoids. This is a very effective method that has little bleeding allowing for rapid healing and a less painful recovery period than the other methods. Although this is also the most expensive surgical treatment for hemorrhoids.
Once you have experience hemorrhoids you realize the importance of preventing them from occurring again. This is why it is important to change your diet to help prevent hemorrhoids from returning or appearing in the first place. You should drink lots of water and fruit juice while also adding plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet. Fiber is also very important in reducing the experience of painful hemorrhoids by adding more cereals, nuts and whole wheat breads to your diet. There is also the option for fiber supplements if you need additional fiber in your diet. Regular exercising is also very important so you should consider starting a routine program of walking, cycling or swimming which helps to keep your bowels regular and your hemorrhoids from occurring. The weight control will also come with the added benefits of helping you to sleep better at night and increasing your energy levels.
Paul Branson has written numerous articles on different general health issues. His most recent articles are about hemorrhoids and the best hemorrhoid remedies.Site: http://rectalrelief.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Branson